Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 21 July 2012

Words and pictures...

I think we walked a whole lot further that we thought yesterday because we were both a little footsore when we got up this morning. So instead of heading out for a long walk we had a nice lazy day in. well mostly in. This morning we did a touch of grocery shopping and then this afternoon took the bus up to West Croydon to get The Man a new pair of jeans. It’s a very dark area and we felt quite outnumbered. There are always buskers in the shopping mall. Today there were a couple of blokes playing some sort of South American pipes, and further along a chap was playing a violin and beautifully too. There were people handing out religious pamphlets and a group with a whole tableful of Muslim literature. On our way back to the bus stop to come home we very quickly walked past a small mobile phone ship when an altercation has spilled out onto the footpath. Don’t want to hang around that one.
Had a recipe for a very easy lasagne from one of my work colleagues which I decided to make for tea. Followed it to the letter, I even bought a couple of special ingredients for it. Chopped, mixed layered and then cooked it. Result. Fairly ordinary. But I do have enough for another two meals of it, so into the freezer with it.
Yesterday I added several pictures to my collection of coats of arms. I hope you enjoy them too. 

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