Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 19 July 2012

There's always a way around it...

Finished in time and open for the Olympics. Day started well enough, usual brekky then walk down to Crystal Palace station. We’ve been watching the progress of alterations at the station. Picture this.
In through the automatic swipe gates, walk down a couple of flights of stairs, along the walkway then down three flights of stairs to the platform. And we do the reverse coming home. Now at the top of the three flights is the old part of the station that has been unused since we moved here about 18 months ago. If we could get out here it would make things a bit easier. Well the alterations that have been going on are going on here should do just that.
So thee we are at the station on time as usual, but the trains are not. Bother. Not only are there major delays on our regular service our alternative is also delayed due to signal failure at London Bridge. Station. So what to do? Recommendation is to get the next train, get off at Balaam and switch there to the Northern line. Which we do. I got off at London Bridge to pick up the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf. A bit of a convoluted way, but getting me there a good half an hour later than usual, giving me a little time on Skype to chat with the kids at home.   The Man stayed on that Northern Line train until Moorgate from where he easily walked to work and arrived just about on time.
There’s always a way around it

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