Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 6 July 2012

Lights, action

The Shard, tallest building in this side of the world, almost 310 metres of it had its official opening last night. We’d read about the fantastic laser light display that was timed to begin at 2230.  No prizes for guessing that we went to have a look. Didn’t have to go far. A short walk around the corner to join the small crowd standing at the top of the road that looks out towards the pointy building. We chatted to the others standing there, all the while keeping an eye out for the advertised display. Occasionally we could see a search light playing across the front of a building next to the newly completed obelisk, but no big light display was forthcoming. This morning on the news the reporter commented on the ‘fantastic spectacle’ that they witnessed. Apparently it began at 2215 but was only visible on the other side of The Shard to the one that faces us. By the look of the images in the news we didn’t miss much.
There is an interesting art installation at Canary  Wharf, constructions made of cans, or should I say ‘canstructions , After work this evening The Man and I had a walk around the shopping mall to look at the art works.  After the exhibition the cans are collected and redistributed by food charity FareShare to communities across the capital. The winners compete in the International Canstruction competition, held next year in the USA

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