Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 8 July 2012

The Man needed his brolly on he walk down to the statoin this morning. I had a fairly lazy morning surfing the net and catching up with emails. And I’ve spent much of the rest of the day collating three parts of a parish register and trying to find the connections between them. In a spread sheet, I first listed the baptisms of the children under the parents’ names. Then I looked for marriages that matched the parents. Finally, using the age at death to work out potential year of birth, I added in the possible matches. And I still have two pages of death printouts to enter. Enough, for today, or I will be doing it in my sleep.
 I’m not a fan of vegemite/marmite, call it what you like, I usually use the gloopy black stuff in the jar to add a spoonful to a stew or meaty dish. Yesterday though I made myself a couple of lettuce and marmite sandwiches to take out with me and I have to say it was rather nice. Either that or I was pretty hungry, probably the latter. But today would you believe there I was with plain old marmite sammies. The body must be telling me something I suppose.
OK there I go talking about food again, well it is a while since I did, you have to give me that. We’ve discovered a rather scrummy desert, we think so anyway. Caramel toped ice-cream in a cone. Si for just £1 I do not know how the shop can sell them for that price considering they are foil wrapped and come in a box of six. Which works out to be a bit less than 17p or less than 50cents in NZ money. 

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