Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 12 July 2012

Sunshine, rain and other things...

Weather forecast this morning said fine and cool most of the day with rain by coming home time. And what did we get? Fine and cool most of the day and it was raining when we left to come home.  Got to the station, and Hello, only one down escalator was running. Now that can be because the thing has malfunctioned. Generally though if that’s the case you can usually walk down it, not tonight though. A temporary barrier was fixed across it. That means that there is a crush down on the platform and this is a way to control the flow of foot traffic. Oh-oh. Around the ticket barriers a family large crowd was milling about. Also indicating that there was an enforced delay getting down to the platform. Then an announcement comes on saying that there are long delays on the Jubilee line because of a person under a train.
So we turned around and went back up the escalator and walked along to the small ferry that goes across from Canary Wharf. A short walk to the bus stop and after a ten minute wait caught he bus to Canada Water then the oveground trim to crystal palace.
I’ve had a small win genealogically speaking. You might remember me writing about going out to Writtle to look in their archives. Well as a result I know the names of my three times great grandparents, William Porter and Sophia Rollings. They married on the 23rd of May 1823; I also found the names of several of their children, and the deaths of two of them, aged just three years and eleven years. William and Sophia were not destined to a long and happy marriage as according to the Parish Register she was buried in 1845

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