Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 13 July 2012

ripping it off big time...

The Man was telling me about someone he was chatting to today. They were talking car insurance and apparently this chap was driving along and came to a gentle stop behind another car. He very gently rolled forward and very gently nudged the car in front. Female driver of the other car was out smartly and the two exchanged details took a couple of pictures and went their separate ways. Next thing The Man’s mate knows is that his insurance company is contacting him and the woman has made a claim. Seems she has whiplash and the car is substantially damaged. From just a little nudge?
That’s right from a little nudge. The man was advised by his insurance not to appear in court and that they would handle it. And they did to the tune of £10,000. 
And the Man’s friend? Well his insurance premiums have gone up £100
There was us thinking that he drivers here were very courteous, stopping as soon as we even looked like crossing the road. Courtesy be blowed, those drivers are scared that pedestrian will leap out and pretended to be injured so that they can make a claim. The personal injury lawyers advertise all the time, touting for clients who have been involved in an accident that was not their fault. I hope it never gets that way back home in NZ

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