Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Big mistake...

If it kills one of us should we go out and kill one of them?
I don’t think so Tim.  (who’s Tim? Ah long story there if you don’t know. Try googling ‘Toooltime’ and you might understand.)
Anyway, why do I ask the question in the first place?  

In Australia there has been yet another fatal shark attack. Knee jerk reaction is to kill the beastie. But the beastie in question was only doing what beasties like it do. And if man wants to play in the same environment as dangerous critters like that then man risks man’s life. 

Mistake number one. Man is rapidly depleting the ocean of the food source of these top predators 

Mistake number two. Man teaches sharks that man = food. How? By encouraging them with bloody baits so that man can get up close and personal with them from the safety of a cage of course!

Mistake number three. Man goes out to play in the watery home of these big toothy beasties and expects and to get out unscathed.

Mistake number four. Man thinks that an ‘eye for an eye’ mentality will solve the problem.

Big mistake! 

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