Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 14 July 2012

Random thoughts...

I have no idea what to write about today. We didn’t make any plans because the weather man predicted off and off rain and he was right. Though we did have a quick trip to Iceland this morning. And I don’t mean the country either; it’s a specialty frozen foods store. I don’t know they can keep their prices so low. £3 for six crumbed fish fillets, £1.75 for sweet and sour chicken, and that’s for the two of us.  £1 for six of, our now favourite dessert, caramel ice cream cones. While The man defrosted the freezer I did a quick walk to the library, I want to find out more about the lifestyle of some of my ancestors.
When I asked dad about his family, he said he couldn’t remember much. One thing he did say was that his Mum’s family came from farming stock.  There were, as many country folk were, agricultural labourers.  The human machinery that powered the countries farms before the industrial revolution.  Industrialisation did much more than mechanise factories, it mechanised farms too, displacing agricultural labourers and their families and driving them to work in the cities. Some went willingly looking for better wages; others were forced to as their jobs vanished under the wheels of mechanical harvesters. Whatever the reason, my ancestors moved from their fresh air and hard work life to the pollution and filth of the streets of London.  

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