Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Now that isn't very polite is it...

 Here’s a question for you.
You’re on the train, with a child and both of you are sitting. Train fills and now all the seats are occupied. Now more people get on, none are disabled nor pregnant nor elderly. So the poser is do you get the child to give up its seat?
If you live in London then the answer is generally no. We see it time and time again, and it frustrates the dickens out of me.
Several months ago now when I was making my way home, by myself, on the train, standing for the trip as usual, a very preggy lady got on. Other seated passengers looked up then went back to their books/papers. Right in front of us was a young fit man with his nose in the paper. ‘Excuse me’ I said to him ‘how about giving this lady your seat?’ he did, but gave me a very dirty look. I was very pleased when he got off the train. When I got off at my station a woman approached me and said ‘good on you, if he hadn’t gotten up for her all the other women on the train would have mutinied’
This evening on the way home there seated on the full train was a mother and her child. I looked around for a preggy lady but no luck. After they got off I commented about the lack of manners, and would you believe it that it was another Kiwi. We had a pleasant chat comparing  notes until he got off the train a few stops later.  

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