Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 9 July 2012

Oh dear, a crack has appeared in an important motorway arterial road into London. Disrupting the traffic? Oh yes. Potential for disruption to traffic for the Olympics? Oh yes. Causing frantic repair planning. Oh yes, and the Olympics are only 19 days away.
You just never know what you will see when you come up the escalators at Canary Wharf. This morning there was a double decker bus parked on the courtyard. And not a red council one either. The outside of this one was very elegantly covered in what looked for all the world like leather. On closer inspection it was of course a stick on. Had to wait until this evening to find out that it was advertising a new release of an up market and very expensive handbag range.  Glittery light decorated the black shiny ceiling and behind the driver’s seat four huge TV screens played a fashion parade of handbags, shoes and accessories. No expense spared there.
On a smellier note you ever know who or what will be busking on the ticket office level of the Canary Wharf station. Tonight as The Man and I descended the escalator the plaintive tones of a lone piper rose up to meet us. I was hoping that the piper would be kitted up, but no such luck.

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