Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Another twiglet on the tree...

For such a very very long time now I have been trying to find the parents of my three times paternal great grandfather.  Three times great granddaddy was James, and his wife was Susannah. The earliest census that is of any use is the 1841. Now here’s the thing. James died in 1841, but in November. Census night was in March. So where were these two ancestors of mine on census night? Well not at home with their children I can tell you that. I’ve found a possible James in a local tavern, but cannot find hide nor hair of Susannah. She remarried, not until about seven years after she was widowed. Interestingly te person who notified James death was his sister Charity. The mystery deepens.
I may have written about this quandary before, so why am I writing abut it today? Give me a mo and I’ll explain. Go back almost twelve months and I made contact with a fellow granny hunter. He sent me the information he had which pretty much married up with my tree. Unfortunately that was the extent of the contact that was up unit four days ago. Four days ago I was looking through my previous contact list and thought to myself ‘I’ll give it one more go, nothing to lose.’  Everything to gain though. A couple of days later, there in my inbox was an email from my contact with the name of Four times paternal Greatgrandaddy. Samuel. 
 Now I wonder who Samuel's parents were. Lol

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