Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 10 July 2012

A bit random...

It was a bit disconcerting this morning to see signs on the station announcing that a ‘trail’ for the Olympics will be held on Tuesday. And what did it say. Well apparently there will be specific entry and exit points, at the east and west ends respectively. Interestingly none of the exits indicate if they are north south east or west.   And the platforms will only be accessible from the ticket office level, so no entry directly from the mall, or into the mall for that matter.

There was a picture on the front page of the paper this evening of a church and a pretty Tudor building. That looks familiar I thought to myself. When I read the blurb under the picture I realised that it was the church at Writtle where I was granny hunting last weekend. The chap shot a policeman and fled. He was found some time later having turned a gun on himself.

I was chatting to another expat Kiwi today who said that in the nine or ten years she’d lived here in the  UK this has been the wettest and worst summer she had seen. Well it started as a drought and there were hosepipe bans and pleas for people to save water. Now we have the other extreme and  in some areas  there has been flooding  Go figure that one.

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