Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 2 July 2012

Matched set...

The weather man was right, again. Scattered showers arrived on time. Made it too damp to get out for a lunchtime walk.  Oh well there’s always tomorrow.
A couple of months ago daughter number two introduced me to a Facebook game called Odd Socks. Gist of it is to match up pairs, discard others and earn points and progress through different levels. All the while taking and swapping socks with other players.  So why am I writing about a Facebook game?  I’ll tell you why, it’s because during the last few months there have been no odd socks in our washing. I used to always buy The Man lots of pairs of socks all of the same colour. That way they would always match. In theory it was good, in practice not so. There was always an odd number of socks at the end of folding up the washing. The last few times I’ve bought him socks they have been decorated with different coloured toes and heels and others with the days of the week. I do wonder if these socks have a sort of homing instinct as there hasn’t been an odd sock in the washing for a long time now.  On another not the coat-hanger population has remained static for all that time too. I red somewhere that socks are the pupae form of coat-hanger. 

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