Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 5 July 2012


Here’s something you might not know. Al Capone was the first man to put use-by dates on food.  Kid you not. The gangster donated a lot of dosh so that kids could have free milk in schools. On condition that a use by date was stamped on. Because he had been served sour milk as a kid. Bet you didn’t know that.
Rubbing shoulders with the well to do today. Go on ask me why?
Chap next to me on the train was bringing his polo mallet and fancy boots to work, obviously for a quick chukka before heading home. Not sure where at Canary Wharf he was hoping to play though.
Did you know that one end of the mallet is flat and the other sloping. I didn’t, but The Man did.
Isn’t it funny that when we were at school we all, well mostly all, objected to wearing a uniform. And what do we do now as grownups. You got it we all conform to the uniform dress code. On the Wharf it is dark suits, for both sexes. Then there are the kids, well their uniform is jeans and a hoodie. And who says we are non-conformist.
The Man has just called me over to the window. What to see? Down on the lawn behind our building was a fox. Haven’t seen one for ages. This one looked very thin and tatty.  Last summer we saw a group of four that regularly played on the lawn. The Man thinks it may be because people are discouraged to feed them as they can be a nuisance. They tear open rubbish bags and scatter litter all over the place.

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