Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 26 July 2012

A little bit random today...

This is one of those days when I’m not really sure what to write so I think I will just waffle for a while and see where it takes me.
I don’t know if this hit the news where you are. An eleven year old ran away from home and took himself to the airport, got through the border controls, actually boarded an aircraft and wasn’t discovered until he was in America. Needless to say he was returned quick smart. The TV news was full of it this morning and the upshot was that some staff at the airport have been suspended. Questions were asked of the head of airport security, but I didn’t hear anyone questioning the Mother about the fact that this kid had had obviously been missing from home for many hours. To top it all there was an item in the paper this evening about how much of an adventure the kid thought it was.  
I saw something odd in the sky when I went out for a short walk at lunchtime. I usually see planes on their approach path to land. Well today it wasn’t a plane, nor a bird, no superman. It was an airship. Yes that’s right and t wasn’t tethered either. It did look to be moving around under it own steam rather than being randomly blown about by the breeze.
Talking about superman. A chap in front of me in the queue at Starbucks the other day had a superman Tee shirt on. I nodded at it and said to him very quietly. “So are you still able to leap tall building at a single bound?” He looked a bit startled at first at being discovered, then beckoned me closer., and looking around to make sure no one was listening he replied quietly “ Don’t spread it about, but I’m not superman”

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