Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 28 July 2012


The Man and I watched the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. What an amazing show. I really liked the way it portrayed some recent British history. If you don’t already know I am rather a fan of history. Beginning with a pleasant rural scene where most of our ancestors would have lived and worked. Mine were Ag Labs (agricultural labourers). Roll on through the years and the beginning of the industrial revolution. It lured the ag labs and their families into the cities and polluted the very air they breathed and the water they drank. It was a very clever transition in the Olympic arena. And those industrial labours appeared to create five glowing rings that rose to join into the symbol of the games. Again, very clever. It lost me and The man a bit there, and then there was a all that modern music and dancing. We persevered and were rewarded by Bondy visiting the Queen and escorting her in a helicopter. She was brave to jump out of it at her age (OK, I know it wasn’t really her). The icing on the cake, so to speak, was Rowan Atkinson donning his Mr Bean persona. Priceless.
This morning, between doing the washing and getting it dry flicked between channels and had the puotr set to BBC live. Good think I can multi task. Swimming, cycling, more swimming, rowing, swimming, then more rowing. Pairs heats, and there they were the New Zealand pair. GO KIWI., The heat was close but they did it.
 OK, I know it's a duck, you'll just have to use your imagination.

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