Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Great shakes...

I found a yummy sounding recipe the other day. Creamy chicken pasta.   Right I thought, looks easy enough we’ll have that. So when I did the shopping on Saturday I added the one ingredient that wasn’t in the store cupboard. Ricotta. Never used it before, so it will be a new experience. So, following the recipe exactly, I am given to deviation. Not tonight though, I’ll follow it to the letter.
Cook the pasta, prepare and cook the chicken with garlic, combine all the ingredients and serve.
Hmm, maybe I should have deviated from the recipe.  It was pretty bland. The best thing about it was finishing it so that we could have dessert.
Had a text message about midday today seems there had been a descent sized earthquake back home in NZ.A long rolling shake by all accounts. Bad enough that there have been on-going quakes in Christchurch where my sister lives now there has been this one in wellington where some of the family live, and felt as far north as Taranki where a bit more of the family live. Not nice. BEHAVE YOURSELF NZ.
I wrote about a bit of luck I’ve had with the family tree, well today in the email was a huge amount of information from the local history society. Entries from the parish register, including marriage, burial and baptisms. I cannot wait for the weekend to comb through them. The Man is working again on Saturday so you know what I will be doing.

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