Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 20 July 2012

an afternoon stroll in The City...

Had a half day today. The man and I went to see the Bond Exhibition. For me there is only one Bond. Sean Connery. The others are just pretenders. Well I think so anyway.  We spent a happy couple of hours looking at props, costumes, storyboards, and movie snippets. No you haven't read the posters wrong, they aren't in English

 Then we had a quiet meander through the streets looking at different architecture and building decoration, something we haven’t done in The City for ages. We revisited  the top floor of a small multi story shopping mall to admire the view over London. Threatening rainclouds couldn’t detract from the majesty that is St Pauls.

 One of the shops we walked past was a really truly butcher shop. What did we buy? Sausages. Don’t laugh; we haven’t had a decent sausage since we came here.  
On the river bank towards the Tower there were lots and lots of people with expensive looking cameras on tripods. There must be something happening. Curiosity got the better of me and I asked what they were all waiting for. The arrival of the Olympic torch. And there was me thinking it was celebrity that was coming. What a let-down. Apparently some soldier was going to abseil down out of a helicopter onto The Tower to set the whole thing off. We didn’t feel like hanging about for an hour and a half to see that.

So wander along a bit further, past Tower Bridge with its Olympic rings and we stumbled across st Katherine’s Dock. A hidden gem of a waterway full of expensive looking boats and eclectic shops. It was there that we spotted the Royal Barge, all gilding an red velvet. 

Slightly footsore we took direction from a chap in a gallery and walked on towards Wapping Station. Allowing ourselves to be side tracked on the way, by a walk along the Thames. 

Eventually we reached the station just in time to catch the oveground back to Crystal Palace.
And the sausages? Best we have had yet. Hope The man remembers where the shop is ‘cos he’ll be going back there for more.

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