Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 30 July 2012

Not much to say today, so I wont...

First working day of the games, and how was it getting to work this morning. Not bad at all. Train going in from crystal Palace was marginally busy as was the one I transfer onto at Canada Water. And The Man’s run in was pretty much the same. Coming home wasn’t too bad either, though The Man avoided London Bridge station and came to Canary Wharf via the DLR (Dockland Light Railway), a nice surprise that. Fingers crossed it continues.
Not terribly warm this morning, hasn’t been warm enough since this so called summer started for me to go to working in short sleeves. Today was no different. Cool wind blowing this morning. Nice to be able to catch the bus down to the station. Didn’t even get out for a walk at lunchtime.
The man finally gave in recently and went and had his eyes checked, and we had a phone call over the weekend to say that they were ready.  He went in to get them on his way in to meet me. His, like mine are varifocal and it will take him a few days to get used to them.

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