Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 1 May 2012

one hundred and twenty days and counting...

I feel really good about the blog. Here we are at the beginning of month five and I haven’t missed a day yet. OK, there have been days when I haven’t had a clue what to write about, like today, when I just start tapping at the keyboard and hope it isn’t too much gibberish.  I’ve been reading a Dan Brown book called The Lost Symbol. I think it is his best one yet. It’s another Robert Langdon as was The Da Vinchi code and Angels and Demons.  This one has been so hard to put down. On the train on the way in to work in the morning I get about 20 minutes reading time, nowhere near long enough to get really involved in the story. So it was hard to put it away when it was time to get off.
The mayoral elections will be held soon. And like the general elections it will be held on a weekday, why, cos they’ve always dozen it that way. Not only that when I phoned to ask for a postal vote I was told ‘oh sorry too late’.  And to get a postal vote I would have to apply for an application for a postal vote.  OK I thought I’ll just have to go and vote in person. Think again. There is only one place we can go to vote, add that to the weekday voting and we don’t think we will be voting even though The Man and I are eligible to.  
When the general elections were on a lot of people missed out on voting. Why, well they were in the queue leading into the poling stations when the time came to close them, and sorry mate tough bickies you’re not going to vote.

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