Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 27 May 2012

One last day on The isle of Wight

It seems summer has decided to linger at the Isle of Wight. The coach driver took us on the scenic route to Ryde,. There is a hovercraft service here to Plymouth on the mainland which is only a short ten minute ride away. No we didn’t have Instead we took a turn around the town and then along the pier. Oh dear no ice cream parlour out there. We got back to where we were to get back on the coach and discovered a car boot sale, Biter we only had a short 15 minutes to wander around. I bought a book  and a bit of old junky jewellery for one of the women The Man works with who likes to use it to make other jewellery with.
Then we drove on to Newport where this time we stopped for lunch. It was nice to wander through the park and sit in the shade to have our lunch, and watch the kids in the playground and a couple of well muscled lads having a kick about with a soccer ball..
Our next stop was at a cutesy little country town called Godshill. I’d read that there was a miniature  village here, and sure enough we saw the signs to it. It is indeed a replica of the town itself , complete with its very own miniature of itself. The town was peopled with clever miniature people doing what  towns people should be doing, everything from a couple of  newlyweds posing for their picture outside the church, to a scout troop camping out on the green. There was even a well endowed lady streaker at a football game. Everything was in miniature, even the trees had been clipped and shaped to look like small versions of themselves. It was a very worthwhile visit.
The driver had told us that even if we weren’t going to have  cream tea in the café we should at least go in and see the size of the monster cream scones and éclairs. They were enormous. The Man and I shared a huge plate of meringue, strawberries and cream. Yummy.
This is t last day and as we have done each of the other three days here after tea we went out to explore the town of Shackling, winding up with a stroll along the coastal path.
The Man and I feel as though we have had a really good break. Thanks Isle of Wight.

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