Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 14 May 2012

Thoughts on a Monday...

Headline in local paper this evening, Dali Llama says money doesn’t buy happiness, now that’s a new one.

Commercial on TV, basically saying every time you use this credit card you save. Earn points for everything you do. Fine print says that it will cost you £2 per month in bank fees. I wonder just how much you have to spend to get your points. A lot more than the average person I bet.
There is also something called Payday Loans here. The interest is staggering, more than 1000%, you really do have to read the fine print.
Another commercial has a multi-car policy. It includes legal fees. That’s because there is no ACC over here, so if you have an accident what do you do. You sue that's what. 

Local councils are having to tighten their belts; well we all have to in a recession don’t we? One of the economy measures the local council are planning is the closure of the small local library where we live. It’s not a flash building, nor does it have super-duper fast in house computers to search with. There is free internet access, but they do not have a subscription o sits like ancestry (because it costs too much) the very same council is spending £450 million on doing up its offices and town centre, and more that £25m on a privately owned hall. Same council can’t find £250k to support our library. There has to be something wrong there don’t you think?

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