Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Morning comment...

I look at all the people around me on my way in to work and some of them look like they have the worries of the world on their shoulders. I expect the odd one does have some major worries, but hardly every single one. All the people on the train are so insular and don't acknowledge anyone else each in their own little world. Hidden behind the morning paper or a book or kindle or mobile phone. The Man and I say good morning to those who are willing to make eye contact and we even get a smile form some of them. Most will look a bit startled if you say good morning. We have e few regulars on our train now who actually willing make conversation. There is one chap who gets on about three stops from where we do who chats to The Man from the time he gets on until he gets off at my stop. I think that despite the crowds lots of folks over here are quite lonely.
Then there is the rush off the train at Canada Water to see who can get down the escalator first. I ask you how much forward planning was that when there are crowds of commuters and only one up and one down escalator. And would you believe no stairs that I can find either. I have learned to push my way along with the rest of them because if you stand back and wait you will definitely be the last one down onto the platform. Then there are the nuisances like large shoulder bags that feel like they have bricks in them. Not very nice to be clipped with one. And people with suitcases. Why push onto the escalator with a chunky case, it would be much easier all around to wait for the lull between trains.
I really feel sorry for short people in the crush, and for children it must be very scary to be crushed by the giants barging down to the lower platforms.
I finished my Dan brown book. And can say it was an excellent read, very hard to put down. If you are looking for something to red that twill keep you guessing almost to the very last page, then this one is it.

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