Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 20 May 2012

poor quality costs more than it should

I bought a new back pack about three months ago cost me £15. The pack didn’t have a strap across the front so I had one put on £5 for that. A couple of weeks later the top handle started coming off, another £5  to have that mended , OK, that was when  I should have taken it back, but it’s a bit of a hike back to the shop where I bought it. Then a week or so after that the stitching around the bottom end of one of the zips started to come adrift. I complained about the quality of the repair so the boot-maker didn’t charge me for it, but it could have cost me another fiver. Well the final straw was more stitching coming undone around the top. We didn’t have any plans for  today and the weather wasn’t great so it was off to the station and back to the mall where I bought it. Good thing I had kept the receipt.
Counter staff were very good and simply gave me a refund. In the same area is a large sports store so we went in to have a look. It’s quite nice here at Surry Quays with a large lake that we had a walk around. Spotting as we did a swan and six cygnets and further around mummy Coote with six cootlings.  The sports store was huge and there were a lot of packs to choose from, I’m not good given too many choice so it did take me a while to decide which one to buy. Then as were are both in need of new sneakers, oops sorry over here they are called trainers, we bought a pair each. Bit of a bonus that as The Man has large tootsies and we often have trouble to get a pair big enough.
We had a good browse around the store, and spotted an interesting sign on the bait fridge.

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