Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 24 May 2012

Hair and there...

It’s only going down the escalators that you see the tops of peoples heads. Hair’s an interesting thing don’t you think? Well I do. It grows out from the crown in a swirl or two swirls if like me you have a double crown, the bane of my hairdresser. Some grow it long, others like some of the Caribbean  or African girls clip it so short that  it looks as though they have none. On the right person it gives the wearer and elegant statuesque look. Curled or  not. The African girls have their curls straightened, making it look coarse. Conversely some curl their straight hair. Seems we are never satisfied with out looks.
I came home via Annerly and in front of me walking up the hill could have bee one of my best friends from PNG. Long tropical patterned skit, sandals and her red hair tied up in a pony tail.
On the bus up to Crystal palace were a couple of Littlies that I can only describe as pikininis. Dark children, their tight curly hair twisted into knots or braided with beads and ribbons, Looking just like the pikinins of story books.
I went for a walk at lunchtime today,another hot day, this time I had taken crop pants and a tee shirt to walk in, much more comfortable. There are some interesting and sights around the ares that I went through.


On the way back I used number one Cabot Square as my reference, but lost sigh of it after a while and tried following signposts back  and manged to get myself  lost. Spotting a sign pointing towards service areas at Cabot Square I followed it and came out through a fire exit door only a block from where I work. Phew, was only a few minutes late.

Above: The building with the point on top is Number one Cabot Square.
Right: what more could I ask for on a nice sunny day than a walk round  the areas surrounding Canary Wharf 


1 comment:

  1. so thats where i get my "no sense of direction" from. Its cold here, long sox, slippers, singlet, lonsleeve t, marino top then a jersey and scarf brrr
