Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 7 May 2012

Art and Carrot Cake...

Nice to have an extra day to ourselves. We thought we would go out to Crouch End to an arts festival. A wok colleague’s church is hosting one of the exhibitions.  With some of the train lines out of action due to ‘Planned engineering works’ we had to find a less direct way to get there.
Transport For London, TFL, the official website for the tube trains is where we can search their train routes and which lines are not functioning. Well that’s the theory. But we have learned from experience that the suggested route is not always the best one. So once you find the closest station to where you wan to be it is a good idea to see if you can find a better route to get there.
Which is what we did today. TFL would have had us on a much longer journey than the one we actually took. First to the local overground station then via a couple of transfers we found ourselves at crouch End, but on the way north the weather turned on us and it was raining when we arrived. Never mind. The exhibition as just a short walk from the station. We saw some very pretty watercolour landscapes. I didn’t dare ask the price.
Back to the centre of town we were directed to a tiny cutesy café, with uneven floors and tongue and groove walls. They served the very best carrot cake have eaten. Thick with walnuts and raising and topped with sweet/ tart lemon icing.
By the time we got back to Crystal Palace, the sun was shining and there was more than enough blue sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers. Heard of that one before have you?
I have been playing with my family tree for many a year now and finally gave in and purchase a full subscription to the site I belong too. It is a frustrating hobby but engaging hobby. I just wish I had been as enthusiastic about it when my parents were alive as I am now.

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