Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 5 May 2012

Quiet day in...

Not much to write about today. Bit murky when we got up. Took the opportunity to get all the washing done. There is a new machine in our laundry so I had to figure out the timing process. Couldn’t believe that some of the cycles take up to 2 hours, that’s a bit much. Well I think so anyway. So washing under way we walked around t our local supermarket and did the weekly shop. Nothing too exciting there I’m afraid. The day seemed to be getting worse not better, so we reverted to plan B, which was, not going out.
After lunch of French toast we settled in for an afternoon of quiet reading. My book is about how to read the architecture inside and outside of churches. It is really very iterating, well I think so. Just think, today’s big building projects have an enormous team even before the building is started. Planners and surveyors and architects. Then there is the person who arranges the purchasing of equipment and materials and others who hire and supervise the workers. Masons, carpenters, plumbers etc. back when the huge cathedrals were built all that was done by one man. The Master Mason. Are you impressed now? I certainly am. There is a huge amount to learn about how these grand buildings were created and how that building technique has meant that it is still strong today. I think modern builders could learn a thing or two from the old craftsmen.  
The Man scored a pile of National Geographic mags a while ago and they really do make interesting reading. So he had his head in one of those while I was marveling at the ancient church structures.
Later he even went downstream and did a whole lot more on the jigsaw that is in our communal lounge. It doesn’t look as though anyone else is doing any of is so at this rate it will be Christmas before it is finished.  

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