Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 3 May 2012

Movies, phones and voting

After work yesterday we went to the flicks to see Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. An excellent  movie with Ewan McGregor. It is a story about bringing an impossible sounding plan into reality. And of overcoming adversity, both personal and professionally.  The place was more crowded than we have ever seen it and at one stage I thought we might not get in. But then most of the others in the queues were trying to see the new Avengers movie. I thought Oh I know that one, with characters Mrs Peel and Mr Steed. Wrong, definitely wrong. These avengers are comic book characters not early TV spy programmes.  The scenery was absolutely fantastic. Huge vistas across the desert. If you get the chance to see it we can recommend it. It even kept The Man awake

For some reason the sim card in The Man’s mobile suddenly gave up working, and yes it was still in credit. He made a phone call to the company and a new sim is on its way by post. If history is anything to go on t will arrive very soon so today when I finished dead on time I thought that I would txt him and say that I could be on the earlier train. Oops, no phone. Oh well I will just wait on the platform for the regular 1730. Well how’s that for psychic? Who was waiting for me when I walked up the stairs onto the platform? Yup it was none other than The Man. We got on the earlier train after all.

Today is also Election Day for local body and mayoral elections. Did we vote? Nope we didn’t. Not that we didn’t want to, but there is nothing simple about it. Not only would we have had to go to a specific polling place the voting is on a weekday. Why? Well they’ve always done it that way so….
 Now at home the results would come in during the day with the final results by the end of the evening. Over here, well it will be tomorrow before he results are in.

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