Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 18 May 2012

So who's going to pick up after you then?

In most places around London the pavement is dotted with discarded chewing gum. This stuff is non-biodegradable and I reckon it should be banned. Or at least be substitutes by something that does breakdown. I say most because around Canary Wharf it would be scooped up before it could embed into  the footpath. There a red shirted army equipped with long handled gripper, brushes and pans, motorised vacuum sweepers, window clears and others who seem to spend their time cleaning debris from between tiles and gratings. There is even a waterborne version. I am amazed at the amount of rubbish that is thrown on the ground. Donkey’s years ago there was a campaign to clean up the city streets. Today though it is not just the streets. Wherever we go, be it on bus or train, station or bus shelter there is rubbish. Discarded bottles and cans, food wrappers, plastic bags and newspapers. Morning and evening, there is available around London, a free newspaper. On Canary Wharf station there are plenty of rubbish bags, not only that, above ground is a small mesh sided truck just waiting to have unwanted newspapers thrown into it. So where do people leave theirs. On sets around the station and on the train, at the end of the escalators or just dropped on the ground. I wonder where to self-pride of these people is. Well I can tell you where it isn’t. I do wonder if it is a good idea, all these red clad cleaners, wandering around like parents picking up after us, sooner or later the general population should grow up and learn to clean up after themselves.

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