Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Trains and movies

Yesterday I cheated a bit and used a story that I had written a while ago instead of some new writing. My son sent me via drop box some very funny TV clips that we started to watch after tea. Before I knew it, it was 2200 and that is our usual bedtime. The Man did the dishes while I found the story to post.
It was wonderful living next door to a movie theatre and we got to see films that we might otherwise not. I became a fan of the dancing duo Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Musical were a real treat, Oklahoma, West Side Story, that only a few years ago I discovered was a new twist on the Romeo and Juliet story.
There were war films too. Guns of Navarone, Bridge over The River Quai, 633 Squadron, Sink the Bismarck, and many more. I think there must have been kids movies in there too though I don’t recall more than a handful. National Velvet with a very young Liz Taylor. And The Wizard of OZ. which I though that was a very scary movie.
The Man Remembers going to see Hitchcock’s The Birds and being freaked out by it. Not good when the walk home was probably along a crowded seagull beach and during the day, the starlings would have been gathering in huge numbers. Scary for a kid.

 There was a problem getting in to work today. Usually we catch the 0658 from Crystal Palace. This morning we get to the station and...Hello... the platform announcement said. That our train had been cancelled due to overrunning engineering works. That's a first. We've lived out here for 15 months and never had a problem getting in before. So what’s the alternative? Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Along came the 0714 to London Bridge. And we got a seat too. From there we went our separate ways, me to Canary Wharf via the underground Jubilee line and The Man to the Northern to get him a few stops nearer to his work.
I tell you we are delighted with the public transport system here in London. People gripe and grumble about it, but in reality it works.

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