Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 31 May 2012

Cats and dogs, but no rain

After such a lovely start to the week weather-wise it was a whole lot cooler today. I had to go out late in the morning and would have like tot have had my jacket on. The wind is still rather chilly. I chose to walk around the back way to my destination and was very pleased to see Mrs or was it Mr Great Crested Grebe with two babies. They had been sitting for such a long time I was beginning to wonder if their eggs wre viable. As I watched one of the babies paddles over to a parent and climbed up on its back. Nothing like hitching a ride when you are tired.
One of my granddaughters was on Facebook this morning and  wrote about how their cat and dog were feeling the cold.Well it is winter over there on the other side of the world. She described how the cat wanted to climb onto her computer keyboard.
It so reminded me of a cat I had many years ago. A very special one called after the cat in the story ‘The Incredible Journey’ and he was like his namesake  seal-point. Even though he had a name to em he was baby.
He joined out household as a very tiny, and probably too young to leave his mother , kitten. I think t was that that made him so amenable. The mate we bought for him later was a good 12 weeks old and was such a snooty critter.
Anyway, baby, joined our doberman/ lab cross puppy  and they were such fun to watch play. Puppy would chase kitten across the lounge. Kitten easily escaped up onto to lounge chair feeling much more superior. They were cute as youngsters and would sleep together.
Later though as a grown cat, baby became the dominant one. I remember watching him walk into the lounge where our now adult dog was asleep in the sun. baby gently began washing the top of the dogs head, working his way over to her ear, when he suddenly sank his teeth into the delicate flesh. Ever after that if dog was  basking in the sun from the lounge window and cat came into the room dog would get up and go and lay down somewhere else.

1 comment:

  1. Id forgotten how they used to play like that, our cat and dog are like that, he dog is older, and apart from food lets himself be pushed around by the cat, who btw is acutally bigger and heavier than him. Dog will be asleep on a lap and the cat will come and join the lap, and slowly push dog off, till he goes and finds another one lol
