Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 17 May 2012

Drinkies after work

Only a short blog today. It’s 2100 hours and we have not long been home and had our takeaway tea. Why s0? I’ll tell you. There were dinkies after work tonight. There have been a whole cluster of birthdays at work in the last few months so instead of having a little get together here and another there someone thought up the great idea of a whole crowd of us going out together. A great idea. So after work The Man and my boss and a few others of us from my site and a lot from our main site as well as some from another site like ours. So there we were dinkies in hand having a very nice social get together.  It’s a work day tomorrow so can’t stay too late.
Off to the tube station and ‘hello’ there are very long queues at the turnstiles and we hear the announcement that there a major delays on the jubilee line. So if these are queues being held at the gates the platform must be chocka.
Nothing for it but to resort to plan B. About turn and go to the nearest DLR station just up the road and hop on the train to Lewisham. Get there half an hour later and walk ten minutes to the bus station where we hardly have to wait any time at all before the right bus comes along. Half an hour or so to get to crystal Palace. Across the road from the bus depot is a chippie we haven’t tried before. No guesses what we had for tea. So there you have it. Now we’re going to have a cuppa and watch a bit of telly before we tuck ourselves into bed for the night.

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