Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 4 May 2012

Oxymoron, or jut plain moron...

Nice to have weekend ahead of us again, not only that it is a long weekend. Oops sorry according to Britspeak t is a bank holiday weekend. And some of the banks will be open tomorrow. Whatever it is called we have a day off on Monday. Very nice. Nit sure what we will do, depends on the weather.
So how about today then. Well, fairly quiet day at work, jut steady. Nothing dramatic.
On of our receptionists had her last day today, she has only been with us for about 6 months. Moving on to a better job with more prospects. Good on her. She trained as a legal office worker and couldn’t get any suitable work so took anything. Her mum knows someone at work so it was really a case of who you know not what you know.
I am really amazed at hard how it is to fill positions with good people. Nurses seem either not to want to move from the apparent safety of the NHs and their pension contributions to the private sector or they put too high a value on their skills and demand wages that are un-payable. We have been looking for an occupational health nurse e for almost 5 months now. Back home the position would have been snapped up very quickly. Here no suitable candidates have applied.
I blame the NHs; well they get the blame for most of the things wrong with the health system so why not blame them I say. A pension sounds good, but it locks an employee into the potion for life because if they leave they lose out on their potential pension.  NZ is probably not much better, but when I first started work al hose years ago there was something called compulsory super. Whist’s that. Gather round children and I will tell you. From your first pay packet at your first job a small contribution was taken by the government and looked after for you until you retired. Some government person decided that it was not a good idea and it was done away with.
That also makes me think about baby boomers. I’m one of those and hey what you know there are a lot of us. Don’t you think that someone in government might have thought about us all becoming old enough to retire all about the same time?  Sounds logical doesn’t  it? Oh hang on a bit, government and logical thought in the same sentence,  isn’t that an oxymoron

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