Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 11 May 2012

Ah, but it i supposed to be art...

It is good to have the day over and done with. Such a busy say for me. Not just with clients to see, but with paperwork to do for our  quarterly audit. It is always a mission at the end of the quarter when the computer data doesn’t marry up with spread sheets created from the hand written data. So there I was pulling files to sort out the mismatched data and to verify the entries and note down reasons for referrals and the outcomes.  As Forest Gump would say   that’s all I have to day about that

This morning when we went down to the station catch our usual train to work there were lots of people lurking about on the walkway between our platform and the next. Turns out that the Southern service had huge delays. Eventually there was an announcement that the train they were waiting for was so late that it had been cancelled. Good thing we don’t get that one.

Apparently the Olympic flame was lit in Greece today and began its journey to the stadium where it will light the torch that starts the games. We are not looking forward to them. It is bad enough now with the crowds coming home on the trains. Organisers do not seem to have had a clue about the impact thousand of tourists will have on the transport system. All very well to put posters up advising people to find alternative ways home. What if there is no other way to make the trip. I think my choice will be to put up with the cruhs on the platform and in the train or take a ferry over the river and spend the next hour trying to get to where I can get a bus to Crystal palace. That bus trip will take almost an hour . It is a no win situation
The Olympic statue is almost finished too.  And what a statue. It looks like a huge misshapen helter-skelter. Makes the Cuba street fountain and the mesh statue hanging outside the BNZ building look positively artistic.

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