Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Alternative way home...

Goodness me it was very warm today again. Two days in row. Went for a walk at lunchtime. Probably wasn’t such a good idea wearing my black uniform. I think I will have to take a tee shirt and short trousers.
Not going to write much today ‘cos we got in quite late. The Man, bless his heart, came  to meet me at work . I was working on my own today so wasn’t scheduled to finish until 1730. I had had a busy afternoon so I decided that I would carry on and get a lot of my files out of the way before we headed home. By the time we got to the station the place was hugely crowded, more so that normal for a Thursday evening. We found out why when we took the escalator down to the first level of the station Enormous queue at the gates which meant that the platform ws overcrowded. Why? Well the jubilee line had major delays due o a power failure at another part of the line. Hmm a walk to the ferry, then across the river and a bus to Canada Water. Easy peeasy from there to get the overground out to Crystal palace. Tea courtesy of the local chippie and now we’ve settled down for an hour of telly. My favourite NCIS. So it’s goodnight from me and goodnight from him.

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