Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 26 May 2012

Sun sea and needles, but not for sewing...

Another lovely day in paradise, well that’s what it feels like. Beautiful sunny day and spending it with The Man, what more could I ask for. Breakfast was a t the sensible time of 0830 and with enough time to enjoy the full cooked one but no baked beans. Much as I love the yummy beans in red sauce the repercussions from them later in the day are not very sociable on a bus.
On the coach by 0930 our driver took us along the coastal road on the south side of the island through places like Venter and Blackgang. Our destination was The Isle of Wight Pearl shop. Boring, we thought, but there was a coffee shop and somewhere outside overlooking the sea while the rest of the coach passengers shopped. The views from up high were pretty good and despite the warning signs  not to get close to the edge we did manage to look down on, but not actually get down to what appeared to be a nice sandy beech. It wasn’t until we were just about to leave that we discovered a fossil shop there . Bother. We only had time for a quick look around, before scurrying back to the coach to  be last on. Probably a good thing that we had so little time as the prices on some of the pieces we did look out were not cheep. And given enough time I might have convinced myself to buy one.
Back on the bus, oops sorry, coach out next stop was Allum Bay, and the Needles., An absolute must see as far as the man and I were concerned. With just two hours to visit our priority was to get as close as possible. And we got closer than we had hoped. A ride down to the beach on a chair lift in what the audio guide on the coach described as white knuckle but we thought was very sedate and picturesque, took us right down to the stony beach where we were well in time to hop aboard the slow boat ride right out to The Needles. We were both absolutely delighted with ourselves for getting the timing exactly right.

Back on the Coach.  And a meandering route inland took us to the famous yachting town of  Cowes, where we had a nice stroll along the waterfront and back. Taking time out of course to sample the local ice-cream.
Back at the hotel there was more than enough time before dinner to have refreshing drink and a stroll through the pretty town and back,. The evening are so light now that after dinner we walked out again to Shanklin Chine. A chine is a ravine and this one is beautifully landscaped around the waterfalls and planted in ferns. You’ll just have to wit till we get back to see the pictures

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