Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 30 April 2012

Would you believe it...

Wow it will be May first tomorrow. I’ve said it before, but I think it’s worth saying again. Where does the time go? If anyone out there knows please tell me ‘cos I want some back!!
So, back to the real world today. The Man and I have gone back to work. Not so bad really. We both enjoy what we do and both of us had a good day today.
Apparently the weather here has been rubbish all week, while we were basking in warm days and sunshine. Nice sunny day today, not supposed to last though. Oh no I can already see rain on the window.
I went to a course recently, excuse me if I am repeating myself, but I learned that full sharps bins sell online from upwards of £300. What’s a sharps bin you might ask? It’s the waste bin that nurses and people like me use to safely dispose of used needles and other medical sharps such as scalpels. Some medications come in pre filled syringes and where do we discard them to when they are past their use by date? That’s right into a sharps bin. Other drugs that have expired have also been discarded into these bins. Are you as horrified as I was to hear that these things have a street value?
So that posed a problem for me, even though we don’t discard many drugs with a potential street value.What do you do with them? Well you dispose of them in special bins that have a substance in the base that will absorb and break down any drugs they come in contact with.
And yes, I am working on how to access these specific containers. Got to keep up with trends you know.

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