Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 15 May 2012

In the name of fashion...

Going by the weather during the last few days you might well think you were back home in NZ. Why?
Well Saturday and Sunday we had sunshine and gentle breezes, yesterday was a bit murky in the morning, raining in the afternoon and sun on the way home. Today, a couple of decent thunderclaps this afternoon, raining and a few hours ago hail. Not much hail I grant you, icy particles nonetheless.  And the temperature outside 2200 is down to 5 degrees. That’s the kind of night time temperatures I like cos I still belong to the hot flush brigade.

What is it with the fad of blokes, I say blokes cos I’ve not seen any women wearing huge earing inserted into their earlobes. This morning the chap standing next to me on the train was wearing what looked like a stainless steel nut in just one earlobe. It was so big that I could have put the tip of my little finger in it. Not that I wanted to. Interestingly at Canary Wharf there is not one suited chap sporting more than a tiny stud in his ear, and that is a rarity.

The Man has worked his magic on my hair again. No I haven’t let him cut it, I did one when we lived in PNG, but only once, I cut it myself after that. The excellent job he does is with colouring it for me. Blue gloves on to keep the dye from his hands he deftly applies the lotion that hides my grey hair. Saves me an absolute fortune in hair about dressers bills.  One of these days I’m going to stop colouring t, but not just yet. I was more dark than grey when I began camouflaging it and that would have been more than five years ago. By now I bet its more grey than anything else.
Now that remind me of the very first time I coloured my hair. I was about 15 and had had a friend over for the weekend. My wonderful father helped the both of us put an auburn rinse through our hair. The colour was called French Plum. We felt very grown up. How many Dads would do that.

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