Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 12 May 2012

Off to Uxbridge

A few days ago I sent an email to an outreach group of a family history group I subscribe to that is based in Suffolk As luck would have it their meeting was today. So, no prizes for guessing where we went. The old school that the meeting was held in was interesting in itself . Decorated plaster ceiling, and carved wooden beams. Nothing at all like any schools back home in NZ.  
We  saw som intresting characters on out way out to Uxbrudge. Waiting in ticket queue at Vitoria Station  Were a couple of lads in bakers hats and aprons and not much else. Well that’s how they looked.  Skin coloured tights contributed to the illusion. Then a few stops out of Vixctoria a group of men got on, nothing odd in that you say. How about this then, they were all kitted out in white football shorts, and pretendy moustaches, well, all except on who looked like he had grown his own. Most had curly coloured wigs, head bands and sunnys. They got off a couple of stops later joining a much larger group of blokes all kitted out in a similar fashion. We never did find out where they were going.
But it was fun while they were on the train.
Back to the meeting, where the speaker unfortunately failed to show. The meeting coordinator deftly reorganised the programme and had several of the attendees talk about the journey their searches had taken them on. One couple had done a tour of the European battlefield, Passchendaele and the like tracing the footsteps of an ancestor.
So what did I get from today’s excursion. A couple of different places for me to look and a nice chat with a group of like mined people. A successful day out.

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