Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 25 May 2012

Over the water and far away...

What better way to start a nice leisurely way to stat a weekend away. than not having to get up too early. A 1030 pick up at a bus stop only a short train ride and then a walk. And a beautiful day too. Clear blue skies.
I'd booked the front seats in the coach OK it cost us an extra £10 per set, but worth it.
So where are we off to for the weekend? To the Isle oaf Wight.. we saw the add in our local paper before we went to Switzerland and booked it hen, The price was right too Less than $600 NZD, All the travel, three night accommodation, breakfast and tea and a tour is  better value than if we tried to do it independently. Besides it means the The Man can sit back and enjoy the scenery too.
So a fairly short run of about two hours to Southampton, we had about an hour before the ferry which meant we could have a nice walk along the pier. Across the water was a large cruise ship and moored in its shadow and dwarfed by it was a three masted sailing ship.
The ferry crossing was very smooth and so hot that we sat outside all the way. We were intrigued to see on the car deck an elevated platform full of cars, giving space for mores cars underneath, a very clever use of space.
Just over an hour later we were back on the bus and driving to the hotel. We had plenty of time before the evening meal to sort the cases and take a break for coffee. And would you believe it I have left the lead that connects the camera to the computer behind so you will have to wait for pictures of  the trip.
After tea The Man and I Had a lovely walk down to the beach, so nice to sea and hear the sea again.
With the tide out we did our usual fossick and what do you know The Man found an large fossil oyster shell. Excellent.
So now we are about to go down tot eh lounge and have a beer or two and listen to the live music entertainment

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