Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 1 June 2012

Planes trains and automobiles...not today...

Yesterday I booked, or thought I had booked a weekend away in York. I say thought I had because that is exactley right. This morning the girl at eh agency where I  booked phoned me all apologetic saying that due to technical problems what she thought were vacant seats on the train wee in fact not vacant at all. She did comment when I first spoke to her  that the website seemed to be experiencing problems. She was right. Seems as she was looking the website was being updated and those apparently vacant sets were actually filled. Oh dear how sad, never mind. I thinks she was expecting me to explode, which of course didn’t. She offered to search t see if there was somewhere else we could go, but phoned me just before lunch with the news that she couldn’t find anything.
It reminded me of when we were on our home from our last trip to the UK. We were checking in at the airport and the man just happened to comment that that would be the last we would see of our bags until we got home to NZ. NZ! The check in girl said, your  going to Hong Kong. No we said we re going via Hong kong to NZ. It was a multi page ticket and she hadn’t tuned the page. Well, The man was off like a shot to retrieve our luggage. Fortunately we were traveling with packs which had to go in the outsize luggage section and had only just been taken off in a trolley rather than going down the conveyor with the ordinary bags.  That done he returned to the check in and the poor girl behind the counter was so flustered and obviously upset at her mistake and fully expecting us to tear strips off her . Not even. We hadn’t lived in PNG for three years for nothing. Hey we said to her, we can still get on the plane, no harm done, we can still get on the plane. And we did. And she leaned a valuable lesson to turn the tickets over .

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