Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 30 September 2013

Cooking up a storm...

Yesterday afternoon, when we got back from Greenwich, I really didn’t feel like cooking a much for tea.

So, I thought, what can I make that’s nice and easy?
I know macaroni cheese, easy peasy lemon squeezy…
And it was.

It made me think about the very first ‘meal’ that I learned to cook when I was attending Hutt Intermediate School.
You guessed it…yes it was macaroni cheese topped with sliced tomato and cheesy breadcrumbs
Mrs Clark, was one of the few teachers that I really liked and it was because of her that I wanted to be a cookery teacher.
My favourite day was the day we had cooking lessons, and I’ll tell you why.
First double period was cookery, followed by a double period of sewing, which took me up until lunch time and then in the afternoon it was sports. A pretty good combination if you ask me.

Mum had bought me a proper basket to take my cooking things to school in; you know items like a small enamel pie dish (that was for the macaroni cheese) or a pint preserving jar and seals when we were learning about preserving.

Ah those were the days…

And no I didn’t wind up being a cookery teacher…

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