Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 12 September 2013

a bit of a boat race...

Tonight The Man and I have been glued to the screen watching the 6th race of the Amreicas Cup boat race.
The American boat, Oracle won the start, but after that Team NZ worked thier magic and by mark four were 42 seconds ahead , and 45 seconds ahead at hte finish.
Seems that Oracles change of tactician hasn't made any difference.
Excelelnt racing.
These boats are so incredibly fast that at times it looks as though the filming is on fast forward.

So race 6 is in the bag, lets see how race 7 goes.
Great beginning, Kiwi boat won the start

OMG these boats look like they are on fast forward
Into leg three and Oracle are still behind
Now coming up to mark three, upwind the kwi boat is streaking away.
Rounding gate three and boy do they corner beutifully all up on the foils Wow what boatmanship.
Oracle just don't turn as well. Already they are more than 1000metres behind.
Kiwis certainly can fly
There's the finish line
the comentatotsaid it is devastating for the americans but for the kwis it is more of the same
And the kiwi's are over the line line more than a minute ahead
Well done boys
Looking forward to the next one on saturday

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