Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 28 September 2013

A day out...

Ahhh…nice not have to get up to the beeping of the monster that lives on the bedside table. Yes, you know what I mean...I expect there’s a cousin of this beastie on most bedsides everywhere.

On the way home yesterday I read about an exhibition of unique gold and silver jewellery which sounded well worth a  visit So this early this afternoon we hopped on to our regular weekday train and got off at the stop for Goldsmiths College.
It took us a while to locate the main entrance where we asked for the exhibition hall, which was within an old church, very nice.
And the exhibition itself…well that was a disappointment because what we had walked into was a modern art installation.
Hang about a minute, we’d come to see an exhibition of precious metal not papier-mâché masks hg at all sorts of odd angles from a wonky shelf.

All was not lost because we haven’t visit the area before so we went for a bit of a walk down the road and an old fire station that’s ground floor is now a fireplace store. It was the interesting window display that first caught our eye and made us want to go in and see more.
And we weren’t disappointed; parts of the store seemed to be like a museum.
What do you think of this?

We continued on thinking we would explore more until we stopped to cross the road and saw and heard a bit further along a group of young adults outside a pub. They were jeering and throwing bottles and spraying alcohol over a bus that was stopped at the red light. The driver’s window on the bus was shattered. 
Needless to say we did an about face and walked back the way we had come. At the next bust stop we worked out a route back to Crystal Palace and took that.

And the exhibition we had read about, well that was at the  Goldsmiths Company not Goldsmith College. Oh well…

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