Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 22 September 2013

A quiet day in ...

Out dammed lurgey…out I say…
And did it listen to me…not really

But I do feel a bit better this afternoon.

The Man and I have had a quiet day in…pretty unusual for us I know,
But occasionally we do need a quiet day.

Outside it is a bit cool and what I would describe as a black and white day, well that is how it seems to be to me. 

A monochromatic day. You know all thick low clouds, the light very diffuse so there are no shadows.
OK so I am rambling on a bit …that’s cos I really don’t have much to say today.

This morning our time, and this evening New Zealand time we Skype chatted to our oldest grandson. He’s about to turn nineteen. And where did those years go I ask you…
It’s a much repeated phrase in our house.
Seems like only yesterday I was packing my bag to head to Masterton, where daughter and son-in-law were living.
Being at a birth is a truly incredible experience.
It really is exceptionally hard to describe the elation when a new person enters the world. One of life’s miracles.
When you consider that during the 40 weeks prior he started out as no more than a couple of cells that began dividing and dividing. Differentiating themselves into organs and bones, blood and skin. Having accomplished their marvellous work  somehow setting off labour that announced the imminent birth.

OK so I got a bit carried way there, but it is a truly remarkable thing don’t you think?

Having a nineteen year old grandson makes me feel a bit old, and that kind of statement always take me back to my father’s words when oldest daughter turned twenty one. I commented that having a daughter that age made me feel old; his reply was ‘Well if it makes you feel old, how do you think it makes me feel?’

He was a lovely man my Dad and he is sorely missed. I am sure he would be very proud of all his great gandees. I know that The Man and I are proud of them all

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