Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 19 September 2013

Westward Ho day four

The variety show last night was just that...
A variety of acts. There was magic and singing and comedy.
The Man and I enjoyed ourselves.

The forecast for today was spot on.
Foggy rain this morning clearing about 1600.
And did it stop us enjoying ourselves?
Of course it didn't.

The coach driver dropped us off in Dartmouth and along with a few of our fellow travellers we opted for a harbour cruise. With a bit of time in hand The Man and I went for a wander around the cutesy old fishing town. Today its trade is mostly tourist orientated, but in past times it would have been a bustling fising port. By the look of the lobster posts stacked on the quayside there is still a bit of commercial fishing going on.
On the boat and e had the choice between sitting inside or standing in a sheltered spot outside on the upper deck. No prizes for guessing that we chose the latter option.
Up river first with the skipper pointing out interesting features including a brif glimpse of Agatha Christie's house. Apparently this is where she got the inspiration for one of her famous works The Moustrap. There on the other side was the naval college where a thirteen year old Princess Elizabeth first met the dashing young naval officer who would become her consort.
The boat paused on its downstream run as the ferry crossed in front. Further down we treated to a view of Dartmouth Castle and St Petrocs Church looking very mysterious in the mist.
The coach was waiting to take us on to Brixham another fishing village now given over to tourism. Meet you all back here in a couple of hours the driver instructed .
We bought local fish and chips and ate them in the fresh air while watching little boats come and go.
Then walking through the narrow back streets we could almost hear the call of long gone voices shouting their wares for sale, their clog clad feet clattering down the cobbled streets..
The battery on this thing is getting a bit low so you will have to wait until tomorrow to see the pictures I took today

I wonder what tonight's entertainment will be.

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