Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Westward Ho three

Last nights entertainment didn't have The Man and me up dancing.
The singer was OK, but he had the music up a bit too loud,
He did aim for funny but didn't quite hit the mark
Last nights entertainment didn't have The Man and me up dancing.
The singer was OK, but he had the music up a bit too loud,
He did aim for funny but didn't quite hit the mark.
Tonight though there is no in house entertainment, tonight boys and girls we are going to a variety show.

So what did we do today then?
Yes...back on the coach and the excursion was to The Eden Project.
The Man and I have heard varying opinions about this place, and today we were able to make up our own minds about it....
And our opinion was WOW.
What an an amazing place.
From the moment we caught our first glimpse of the domes, to the very last view of it we were mightily impressed.
The foresight of the planners of this incredible creation are to be congratulated. They have turned what was a real blot on the landscape inot one of the worlds finest ecological attractions. It just show you what can be done.
Like many new concepts it was a struggle to get funding, and they were initially turned down by the Millennium Commission. Their second reworked application was successful and they were received a £37 million grant. It took a small but dedicated team five years to nurture the dream into reality.
The project opened in 2000 and its growth has gone from strength to strength.
Mere words don't do it justice....
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Tonight though there is no in house entertainment, tonight boys and girls we are going to a variety show.

So what did we do today then?
Yes...back on the coach and the excursion was to The Eden Project.
The Man and I have heard varying opinions about this place, and today we were able to make up our own minds about it....
And our opinion was WOW.
What an an amazing place.
From the moment we caught our first glimpse of the domes, to the very last view of it we were mightily impressed.
The foresight of the planners of this incredible creation are to be congratulated. They have turned what was a real blot on the landscape inot one of the worlds finest ecological attractions. It just show you what can be done.
Like many new concepts it was a struggle to get funding, and they were initially turned down by the Millennium Commission. Their second reworked application was successful and they were received a £37 million grant. It took a small but dedicated team five years to nurture the dream into reality.
The project opened in 2000 and its growth has gone from strength to strength.
Mere words don't do it justice....
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. 

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