Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 25 September 2013

No pleasing some people

Well the Kiwi boat is certainly keeping us in suspense. I more race to go and it will all be over.

The Man and I live in a retirement complex...I know you must think that we’re way too young to be eligible for that kind of accommodation...
Anyway a month or so ago at the annual finance meeting, him and me didn’t go to because it is held during working hours and we both go out to work.

A new resident made the comment that he thought there wasn’t’ enough work for a live in manager.
I mean to say why buy into a building if you aren’t happy with the status quo.

That’s like buying a house near the airport and then complaining about the noise of the planes.

Well I sat down and emailed the organisation telling them in no uncertain terms that we did not support that resident.
Trouble is now that he has raised a concern the company will have to survey all the residents for their opinion

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