Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 1 October 2013

A bit of a ramble...

Will you look at that, it’s already October.

I have no idea what to write about today, but I will push on and keep tapping the keys to see what turns up.

So the visa issue is all sorted…finally.
Getting on to eleven months.

Now compare that to the length of time it took one of our sons to apply for and receive an ancestry visa in New Zealand.
How long was that?
Less than a month.
And boy is he excited about coming back.

Now both my Kiwi passport and The Man’s will expire in Novembers 2014. We will have to renew then before May 2014, that’s because you cannot travel on a  passport within six months of its expiry date.
So according to the NZ passport office website it should only take about ten days from the time the application is received until the process is complete.

And in reality how long will that take?
Well if the kiwi site says ten days they really do mean ten days.

Shame on you UK border agency, saying that 95% of all applications should be processed within 6 months is an out and out lie…

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