Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 8 September 2013

Southbank on Sunday

We had intended to have a quiet day in, notice that I said ‘had’ and did we stick to the plan.
Of course we didn’t.
It was such a beautiful day that we scrapped plan A, and after breakfast closed the door behind us and went out.
We bought coffees from the little café at Crystal Palace Station and caught the train into the city.

Big Ben chimed the three quarter hour as we walked across London Bridge. It was hardly a walk in a straight line, more of a dodge around tourists taking pictures, folks lugging suitcases and a general throng of babbling excited people.

Along past The Eye we surged with the chattering swarm, past the whistle blowing street magician and a Charlie Chaplin look alike. A bit further on we spotted one a group of our favourite street performers. A quartet of young men from Nigeria (I think) The Man and I stopped to watch them do one of their classic stunts. One of their number is so loose-limbed that he can rest one foot and then the other behind his head…yes you have read that correctly…behind his head. One of his mates then picks him up and puts him into a large shallow bowl and hoists him up onto his head and carries him about.
It is a real crowd pleaser when a child from the audience volunteers to be a part of the routine and follows the dance moves. This part of the act culminates in a human tower with the child lifted and carried around as part as well.

‘Look at that’ The Man said pointing to a mass of bubbles floating past. We soon found the origin of the huge rainbow coloured globules that were floating amongst the trees. We watched entranced, both of us grinning from ear to ear as a young man surrounded himself with a multitude of them. He soon attracted a crowd of delighted children who were as captivated as we were. We laughed alongside them as they ran about jumping and shrieking with pleasure.

There’s a carousel a bit further along and today we didn’t resits it. Well OK I have to put up my and it was me actually. I just love these things, and my wonderful man mounted the coloured pony next to mine and we were off on a magical ride. I think the smile on my face was as wide as the little girl’s riding along behind us. 

The Man and I had been having such fun that we hadn’t noticed the black clouds building up until they were nearly overhead.’ Uh oh, better make for the nearest train station or we will get wet’
Too late.
The rain had passed and the sun was shining again by the time we got back to Crystal palace, but it had turned rather cool and we were pleased to get back inside

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